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Wizz - LGW
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Heard nothing yet. They haven't responded to my query email yet.
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I haven’t got anything yet. Waiting is literally the worst hahaha.
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Has anyone else applied for Cardiff? X
Seen some people who have applied for Doncaster have been offered interviews!
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Where did you see some Doncaster applicants had been offered interviews?
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On a Wizz Facebook group
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Ahhhh I don’t have Facebook anymore. Not heard anything from Doncaster but I’ll see if anything comes this week.
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The lovely lady who posted it said she only received the email earlier this evening so they’re probably still reviewing applicants :)
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Do you have a link to the group?
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I applied for Doncaster base and have today received an interview however which says 'International'

I assume they mean Doncaster? I am British and have a British passport so due to Brexit and recent events I reckon it would be very difficult for someone British to get a job in Europe.

Other discussions going on within Interviews

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2  3.51k 5 years ago
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3 3.52k 1 year ago by Heather Rivera
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1  3.82k 4 years ago
1 3.82k 4 years ago by kayliahngl
How long after did you receive...
1  3.94k 1 year ago
1 3.94k 1 year ago by Aman AlMethalya

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