Meet Suleiman Dida, the UK’s youngest Somali pilot, whose journey is as inspiring as it is groundbreaking. From his early dreams of soaring through the skies to earning his wings, Sulei...
In the world of aviation, few paths are as thrilling and dynamic as that of a mechanical engineer. Rafik Ghannem, an accomplished engineer, shares his unique journey from a young Air Force Academy cad...
Sometimes, we find ourselves in sectors we never actively chose, yet they become integral to our journey. In this article, Shihab Kutty shares his experience as an accomplished Human Resource Supervis...
For Anu Boswell, the path to becoming a student commercial pilot was paved with passion and curiosity. Starting his journey at 17, Anu reflects on the experiences that fueled his love for aviation, fr...
Let’s hear from Vone Joseph Jr., a passionate Pilot and Flight Instructor, about his journey in the aviation industry. He shares insights into his daily responsibilities, the joys of teaching, a...
In this article, we talk to an experienced Aircraft Engine Technician about what it’s like to work in aviation. From a childhood fascination with aircraft to a rewarding career, Nicolette shares...
Drones have emerged as a transformative technology across various sectors, from agriculture and construction to media and logistics. As the demand for skilled drone operators continues to rise, obtain...
The aviation industry in India is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by an increasing demand for air travel and a burgeoning middle class eager to explore the skies. This growth has led to a signi...
The aviation industry in India is experiencing rapid growth, driven by an increasing demand for air travel and the need for skilled professionals to navigate this expanding sector. As more airlines en...
Have you ever gazed up at the sky, watching a plane soar through the clouds, and wondered how to become a pilot in India? If you've ever dreamed of becoming a pilot, now is the perfect time to tur...
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