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alba ruiz
Eurowings PMI
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hi guys!!!
Here are some feedback that i found in a german forum about the assessment center for Eurowings.

Hope it help us to pass the exam and the test.

"Hi guys,
here now the promised experience report to the Assesment Center of the Eurowings GmbH.

The Assesment Center was abbreviated as AC in June 2017 in the rooms of the Wings Academy in Düsseldorf.

The date was from 10 am - 6 pm. When I entered the rooms at half past nine, there was already a young applicant. We quickly got into conversation. In the course of the next 1.5 hours, there were almost 40 people outside of us.

At 10 o'clock we were asked in the first room and greeted by 5 Eurowings staff friendly.

A brief presentation showed us the structure of the entire Eurowings brand.

Then an English test was started, which would have had to pass all the candidates with ease. Nevertheless, after a short wait, only 30 people were left in the next round. The 10 others were kindly adopted. There was the hint, one could be refreshed after having his English skills refreshed, gladly again.

Now the remaining applicants were called in groups of 4 to carry out different group work. Addressing problems, conducting briefings, discussions ... all in English.

After the group work almost 15 people were again sorted out.
Again there were some friendly hints that there must be a decision and a re-enrollment would be appreciated.

The last about 15 participants were now called individually and thoroughly tested. Contents from the curriculum vitae, English knowledge, experiences and much more were asked and discussed by the cabin management and partly by a young psychologist.

the last round required a lot of patience. At a small buffet you could fill up some energy, for the smokers there was the possibility to go to the air.

After the last applicant was completed, another 15-30 minutes elapsed. Then all five employees of the AC entered the waiting room.

One last time people were said good-bye, one last time tension was built up.
The reading of the last names meant a commitment.
My name was read aloud - I was finally able to fly again.
I went into the room. Eurowings had pens and our commitment to write.
Unfortunately only 4 other applicants could follow me.

Now it was done. From about 40 applicants we had made it.
5 happy young applicants were now looking forward to a lecture on contract content, training and much more.
Afterwards, we were kindly adopted."

all the best for us !!!
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Bianca Fortunato
Hi Saudades,

Thank you for the information, much appreciated!

Congratulations on being invited over to be interviewed too, well done.

At the moment I don't know anything else aside from what I have already shared with you guys in the thread of chats but as soon as I hear some more news I shall let you all know.

Take care
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Hey! :) Did you attend assessment?
Can you tell us how its look like?
we are very anxious about it :)
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Bianca Fortunato

How was the interview? Did they explain about the contract conditions? How about working patterns, how does the schedule work?

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Hi guys,

I answered Bianca in the other post I opened about Eurowings but I would like to help you all so here is the information I have:

They didn't get into details about the conditions... They didn't even tell us the payment till we asked for it (1500€), but you can ask everything you want in the final interview.

The AD is divided into 3 parts: ALL IN ENGLISH, as they are german

1) "English test" --> Really easy,... it was opposites, synonims (be careful and don't confuse synonimes with opposites! as some people failed for that); prepositions, etc.

"2)Second step"
2.1 Personal questions (ex: why eurowings? what do your friends say about you? what would you bring to a desert island?, etc.
2.2 Group Briefing: In groups of 4 discuss different topics. We only have 5 minutes!!

"3) Final interview": Two eurowings representatives and you. General question with your cv about your experience, etc.

We were about 40 people and only 16 of us were in the final step. However none of the other girls I talked to got the job so I am not really sure what they are looking for.

In the email they sent me when I was selected they gave me the following information:

- Flight Attendant courses, which will start in October, December, or January
-The course will take place in Palma de Mallorca and partly in Vienna, Austria or Cologne, Germany. After the training period you will complete your familiarization flights to get properly prepared for the start in Palma de Mallorca. For your time in Vienna/Cologne we will provide you with accommodation free of charge.

Good luck to everyone!![/I]
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Hello everyone, I was selected for the interview and chose 10 October. I'm slightly discouraged that we have to pay 100 Euro for NIE and other necessary documentation before we even start working, but I guess it's still cheaper than going to Spain personally to take care of it

Anybody else attending on 10.10? :)
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Bianca Fortunato

Congratulations! I'm sorry to ask such question, but you would be able to tell us please what else do we need to pay for?

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do they offer free transportation and accomodation?
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Bianca Fortunato

Are you relating to being provided with accommodation and transport during training?

If so, I have read somewhere that we will be hosted in hotels during the training period, I think it was Premier Inn.

Have you already applied?

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no, I was talking about the allowances after you are hired. I suppose they do not offer accomodation for free because it is low cost.

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