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Before Applying for Qatar Airways
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i have worked with soooooooooooooooo many crew that have literally escaped from qatar airways, or "military" as they refer to it!
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Almost all the information in this post is very accurate.

As for "f@&$"ing I know they f@&$ like rabbits. Think of rabbits in the African savannah.
Hunted, nervous, on the run, but still rabbits.
alBaker may be watching but they are resourceful and always find a way. Some crew find love (or its expression thereof, if not itself) on layovers.

On board too, they have started to be more assertive and enforce safety and security regulations before pax comfort and complaints.
The airport sucks though. Big time. Like everything else in Qatar, it's another of those projects that keeps on dragging and being postponed. Just like in QR, corruption is rampant. Everyone is looking to use others (reminds me of that Eurythmics song). Everyone is jealous of what someone else has.

Crew accommodation guards too, are easily motivated to turn a blind eye to visitors.

Bottom line is, if possible, don't go to QR. It can work as a good international springboard but only as a last resort.
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en_joy flying
It is funny that the one that started this topic has the same name with the CEO of Qatar Airways...''Al Baker''...
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But of course. That's how he knows it all. He's a know-it-all kind of guy who also likes to play for the other team, if you know what I mean.

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Thank you very much, this was quite informative. I've heard all these before but not in such detail and up to now I was wondering if it was just a rumor or reality. Well you helped me clear up my thought and I am definitely not going there.
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Everything that was posted are VERY TRUE! i'm an ex cabin crew in Qatar Airways, i resigned last June 2011.. that company sucks big time.. i have friends who were fired notably because of the following:

*there was a passenger who asked for a glass of wine to (CC 1) and this crew forgot to give the request of the passenger, so this passenger wrote a letter to the office and the crew were all called up to go to the office, my friend (CC2) hasn't had any single idea about this incident. QA paid all the expense of this passenger to go to QATAR to physically pin-point who's that cabin crew who forgot to give the wine.. and this passenger pointed his ugly finger to my friend.. who is totally innocent. then they got her fired and ask to leave the country within 24 hours.

by the way when you are terminated you should leave the country within and not more than 24hrs..

thinking of applying in qatar airways??? THINK AGAIN AND THINK VERY HARD!
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en_joy flying
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en_joy flying
so shocking!!
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Loving the name AlBaker! ;)

Can I just say a big thank you for putting the sheer torture of Qatar Airways and Dohell as I fondly call it into such articulate words! I 'survived' a year of Qatar and seen as though I am British I left before I was pushed (unlike many of my Western European friends) and I happily paid my bond back and ran to the airport to get out of there! Previous to that I did three years with Emirates and I can not speak more highly of them. Be warned potential Qatar Crew - don't do it!! xx
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This is quite shocking and distressing to read. I have always had a fondness for cabin crew (I love watching Pan Am) and I myself love travelling, flying and aviation in general but ended up becoming a lawyer instead. I was a QR privilege club member until some years ago when I redeemed all my air miles in favor of a J class ticket to London after which I divorced QR and am now a FF with Oman Air which in my opinion while being a boutique carrier can pose a serious threat to QR in terms of onboard service and cabin amenities. Oman Air's J cabin is 1-2-1 which QR's F is 1-2-1 and J is 2-2-2. Anyhow I always found QR's ground and onboard service to be fantastic with no complaints whatsoever and the crew faultless but having to work with all this stress and fear of being fired upon them must be unimaginable. I tried to chat with the crew about their working conditions but I always received a 'I cannot comment on that' reply. Now I realize why. I met some really nice crew whom I would have liked to befriend but its understandable they would not want to risk anything thinking that I could be a possible snitch or spy trying to get information out of them, one cannot blame them for being a little on the paranoid side. I have some friends in other airlines who are/have been cabin crew and love hearing their stories and their adventures. I was my dream job but not to be.

I don't know how long QR thinks they can get away with this because there will come a time when it will become common knowledge about this zero tolerance attitude and the airline will end up with more employees leaving than joining and they could face a serious employee shortage in the future. We are all human and we make mistakes. If QR wants super human robots, then perhaps they should either look into outer space for them or design them on computer. Every human has faults, failings, desires, positives and negatives and there is no such thing as pure excellence and flawlessness in what you do. Everyone slips up at some point and having everyone cowering in fear and submission will not get you your desired results. On the contrary the opposite will happen. If all of this is true, then QR's CEO seems to be quite an ego maniac well known for his verbal criticism of everyone and everything. Even Airbus and Boeing have not escaped his verbal lashings. Perhaps then he should design some flawless and faultless plane himself if he's such an expert. Is it also true about not using the lift for the first 4 floors in the head office?

To all the QR cabin crew who might read this, In have no complaints whatsoever. It is you who earned the airline 5 stars, not the management and I wish you well and hope you grow a thick skin because you will need it here. Do what you do best and don't give others an opportunity for criticism. Those who do act as informants and snitches will not benefit either as there won't be any brownie points coming forward by the looks of it. You should all stick together and support each other. Even if you do get fired, its not the end of the world, there are other equally good airlines to work for i.e. Emirates, Etihad, Oman Air etc. QR is not the center of the universe.

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