By Seerat Arora 14 Dec 2017 6 min read

How to Become a Pilot in the UK

Who doesn’t dream of becoming a pilot? However, only a few make it to the other side of the intense and expensive training required. It is not difficult to become a pilot in the UK but it takes diligence and persistence. 

How do I become a pilot in the UK? To work as a commercial pilot, you will need an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL). Training for this can take up to two years and cost as much as £100,000. 

Therefore, it is essential to know all your options before you start applying for training courses and looking at opportunities. Our guide covers how to get a pilot license in UK, the different routes you can take to get your license, and includes a few things to watch out for before you apply.

Before Applying for the Training Course

What qualifications do you need to be a pilot in the UK? To enroll in a pilot training course, you need to have performed well at school. 

  • You will need GCSEs at grades A*-C (9-4) and A levels in English and Maths. Subjects such as science or a second language would be beneficial.
  • You must be at least 21 years of age to apply for an ATPL license.
  • Also, pass a background security check.
  • Obtain a Class 1 Medical Certificate

The CAA has guidance material on its website for those concerned about this. There is no problem if you wear glasses or contact lenses, your vision just needs to be correctable to 20/20.

Taking an aptitude test before you embark on years of expensive training could also be useful to ensure you have what it takes to become a successful airline pilot. The Honourable Company of Air Pilots holds an aptitude test at RAF Cranwell and uses some of the tests used by the RAF in their selection process.

Preparing for Pilot Selection

After answering - ‘What qualifications do you need to be a pilot in the UK?’, let’s talk about the pilot selection process. Flight training schools will also want to ensure you are suited to a career as a pilot before they invest so much training and resources in you. Most Approved Training Organisations (ATOs – for a full list, see the CAA website) will put you through their own testing to ensure you have the right personality and skills to become a pilot in the UK.

Over a series of written papers, interviews, group tests, and simulator tests, you will be expected to demonstrate skills, such as problem-solving, spatial awareness, and people skills.

You will also need to demonstrate your dedication to the chosen career with good levels of general knowledge about the aviation industry.

You should treat this stage as seriously as you would treat any job interview and do as much research and preparation as you can.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Pilot in the UK?

How you plan to finance your commercial pilot training is an extremely important consideration before applying. The training required to obtain your ATPL can cost as much as £100,000 and take up to two years to complete.

If you are financing the training yourself, you must research before you sign up for a course. Make sure that you are aware of all the terms and conditions before you pay a penny.

Some ATOs have ceased trading unexpectedly before their students have finished courses and their fees have been lost. Ensure a scheme is in place to prevent this from happening before you sign up.

Some UK airlines have fully sponsored training programs, such as the British Airways Future Pilot Programme or the Virgin Atlantic Future Flyers Programme. Seats on such schemes are limited and highly contested but are fantastic opportunities if you manage to secure a spot.

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Types of Pilot Courses

How do I become a pilot in the UK? Let’s discuss the different pilot courses to choose from:

Integrated course

If you don’t have any previous flying experience, an integrated course is a popular option. This will teach you everything you need to know right from the beginning.

It will be run by an ATO and will be a full-time course. You will start your training in the classroom and with simulator exercises. After that, you will be flying in light aircraft and pass milestones such as the multi-engine rating and obtaining your Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL).

This will allow you to train students or fly business jets. You will need to complete your training to earn your ATPL to fly airliners. These courses are often run in dedicated facilities with excellent equipment, and sometimes they have established links with airlines.

Modular course

If you already have some experience flying a plane or want to keep working while you study, there is the option to take a modular course. The real advantage of these courses is that you can take modules individually and when they suit you.

They also end up costing a lot less than the integrated courses – sometimes they can be half the fees of the full-time course. It will take you longer than an integrated course to qualify via this route.  

Multi-Crew Pilot License (MPL)

Another option to consider is qualifying for an MPL rather than ATPL. You don’t have to do as much training to qualify for this license and the process is quicker. The disadvantage of this qualification is that you will only be able to fly as a First Officer as all Captains must hold an ATPL.


How do I become a pilot in the UK? There are now apprenticeships available to trainee pilots. Students study similarly to those on the integrated course with both flight and ground-based training. This is usually done at a university and students will have access to financial support in the form of loans or even grants.


Some degrees are now available in aviation that include commercial pilot training. Although the high fees for ATPL training still apply, these courses are increasingly popular because students can now get loans of up to £42,000 from the government to help them fund their studies.

In addition to the financial help this route offers, you will also graduate with a degree. This will give you further options for employment should you find securing a role as a pilot difficult.

Type rating

Once you have earned your ATPL via one of the routes above, it will be a ‘frozen’ license. You will still need to fly 1,500 hours in total before you become a fully qualified commercial pilot.

The next stage is to train for a ‘type-rating’ that allows to you fly different aircraft. For example, you will need to complete more training to earn the type rating necessary to fly an Airbus A380 or a Boeing 747.

You will usually have to pay for your first type rating training yourself and any further qualifications will be paid for by your employer. The training for each type rating can cost somewhere between £20,000 and £30,000.


Once your question, ‘What qualifications do you need to be a pilot in the UK?’, is answered, you will be clear about how to get a pilot license in UK. Pilot training is a constant commitment - you have to be driven by your decision and passion to fly to be able to become a successful pilot. 

Pilot jobs are not for the faint of heart, they demand consistency, persistence, and a huge amount of training costs. But at the same time, it is all worth the time and effort when you experience the perks of becoming a pilot and have a highly respected and rewarded career.

You get to have the best office view and opportunities, what else do you need? So prepare well and take on the skies!
