This month our partner Cabin Crew Wings is focusing on the best ways to stay healthy and fit as crew:
The Cabin Crew job is more physically demanding than you might think! You’ll be on your feet and for long periods of time, and also be constantly bending, stretching and balancing in an often fairly cramped space.
Get Into Good Fitness Habits
Just moving a bit more can make a big difference! Getting out for a daily walk or jog on your days off or on layovers, doing a regular home workout.
You could also join a gym or sports centre when things begin to return to normal (at the time of writing many of us are in lockdown from the current Coronavirus pandemic). This can seem like an expensive option, but many places now offer monthly ‘deals’ that include unlimited classes and use of facilities – this can end up being really good value.
If you prefer to get fit in the comfort of your home there are a huge amount of videos and tutorials on the internet – you can check out some great free ones on sites like YouTube.
You can also download some fantastic apps where you can track your progress and chat with similar minded people in group forums.
Running, walking and hiking are free, healthy ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness. Skipping too is a great (and often overlooked!) workout that’s free, fast and effective.
Stretching and Flexibility
Posture and flexibility, as well as balance and co-ordination, are very important for cabin crew. Building strength and skills in these areas will help you get through some areas of your training, like the all-important cabin crew reach test.
Yoga and Pilates are great for this, and again there are hundreds of resources and apps available online.
The meditative qualities of this type of exercise can also be a great help in balancing the stresses of cabin crew life.
The long and anti-social shifts cabin crew sometimes work, along with the occasional lack of sleep can wreak havoc with your immune system. Recycled cabin air can also make you more prone to picking up bugs, especially when you’re in constant contact with passengers.
Therefore it’s really important that you try your best as a member of crew to eat as healthy and balanced a diet as possible!
Try to avoid processed foods and alcohol as much as possible, and drink plenty of water. Again there is a wealth of information and diet advice available online, and apps to help you plan meals, shopping lists and keep track of what you’re eating.
Mental Health
Looking after your mental health is crucial for long hours, challenging working conditions and often disrupted sleep patterns can really take their toll.
Being crew can also often be a surprisingly lonely job – it’s not guaranteed you’ll always be working with the same colleagues, and as we covered last month you’ll have to spend time away from family and friends (and miss out on special occasions at times) on a regular basis.
Don’t suffer in silence. Talk to someone – in person or on the phone, or even via message or email. Whether it’s a family member, a close friend or a colleague, even just acknowledging the issue and speaking about it out loud can really help.
Often you’ll find that other people aren’t coping as well as you might think either – it isn’t just you!
This is where physical exercise can help too. Getting out and going for a walk, even for 15 minutes, can really help to clear your head.
Exercise (whether simple or more strenuous) has been proven to help elevate your mood by boosting your endorphin levels.
Do What’s Best For You
Put your own needs first and try a little self-care! If you’re on a layover and would rather curl up in bed with Netflix and a hot drink than go for a night on the town then choose to do what’s best for you.
It’s Okay To Say No
Similarly spend time on your days off doing what you need to do to feel happy and de-stress. Don’t burn yourself out trying to live up to the expectations of others, or trying to please everyone.
It’s important to get enough sleep too – you really do need to prioritise this to be at your best, as it can take its toll both mentally and physically.
If you’re having trouble sleeping at an unusually early time because you’ve a super early start the next day, or are recovering from an overnight flight, then try an eye mask or listening to white noise or a relaxation app to help you.